Colors purposes (Baby Witch blog #6)

Beautiful array of colors.

Colors can evoke feelings of deep emotion just by the sight of them. For me one of the things I’d miss most if I was fully blind is life’s colors. The human eye can see a kaleidoscope of colors but women can see more than men. Fun facts lol. What do the colors mean for our magickal works? That’s the topic for today actually. Color is typically in the candle chosen for spells, cloth for a bag, or cord for knot magick.

The knowledge for this blog comes from my decade of witchcraft experience and numerous books that I have read over that time. This entry is copied directly from my personal BOS.

Black – return to sender, divination, negative work, protection

Blue/black – hurt pride, broken bones, angelic protection

Dark purple – calling power, use when working with runes, government

Lavender – favors, invoking the righteous spirit in yourself

Purple – psychic power, dream magick, visions

Dark green – invoking the Goddess of regeneration, agriculture, financial

Mint green – financial gains, use with gold and silver as the God and Goddess

Green – healing, health, money, North

Dark blue – cause confusion, power

Blue – protection, West

Light blue – protects home, children, and buildings

Ruby red – anger of passion, love

Red – love, romance, atmosphere, energy, South

Magenta – fast workings, harmony, friendship in the home

Pink – binding, harmony in friendships

Yellow – knowledge, learning, East

Gold – prosperity, sun magick, the God

Burnt orange – opportunities

Orange – material gain, attraction, seals a spell

Brown – herbal magick, peace in the home

Silver – the Goddess, quick money, invoking the moon, moon magick

Off white – peace of mind, mother moon candle

White – used as a replacement for other candle colors, purity, righteousness, devotional magick

Grey – glamor magicks

So this is the list I go by. I have gotten mostly positive results for my spells and energy intentions. If people have anything to add or personal experiences to share please do in the comments.