Mabon blessings!

Bonfires at the house on the weekends soon.

First day of Fall!!! My favorite season, honestly the whole families choice season. We will be getting outside more, watching people from the porch, and venturing into public. What has the power to get us outside? The smell of fall leaves, mischief, crisp apples, cider slushies, the chilly night air, and spooky game/movie season.

My altar holds fall colors red, yellow, orange, and brown. Usually I’d decorate with actual fall leaves but this season is a bit late. We also have an apple spice candle going to warm the home and fill the space with positive vibes. As the second harvest festival we get flavorful foods like pumpkins, apples, gourds, and squash right now. I love apple mainly so pumpkin spice lattes are lost on me but Joe makes up for my non-consumption.

We are thankful for what the year so far has brought us and think of what we is to come as the wheel completes another turn. In my family we have a hearty and well loved meal the evening of Mabon and light candles in the evening to soothe and repel negative energies around our most lived in spaces. This is also a good night for cleansing and reprogramming crystals you’ve gathered over the Spring and Summer.

Reminds me of my childhood home.

I hope some people are also experiencing a slight lift in mood as the weather in the majority of the U.S turns to Fall and we welcome cooler days and nights. Today listening to the rain and playing some games was very relaxing. How did you welcome the Fall today? What are you thankful for so far this year?

Blessed be ❤

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