Imbolc is upon us

Love the spring feel of this deck

“Imbolc symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and tImbolc symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). The word “imbolc” means “in the belly of the Mother,” because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth”.  This is what pops up if you type what is Imblc into Google. Not to shabby Google.

The Goddess has the seed of life within her and she is a promise thar the spring will come again and renew the earth’s fields, forests, warmth, and the sea will flow freely once more. This gives us hope to continue through the second half of winter for we see the light at the end of the tunnel. This Pagan holiday is usually celebrated on Feb 1st through the evening of the 2nd. Some call this the festival of lights or the Christian adaptation is Candlemas.

Light the way to green pastures sweet mother, sweet mother

From my own BOS (book of shadows) Lavender and white candles are burned, this is a great time to spring clean as well will be welcoming the season soon enough. The holiday celebration is for fertility and to rejoice for all things yet to be born. Take note of what your magickal cabinet needs now to be organized for growing season. Altar decor is spring colors, dried corn cobs, candles, and as always cakes and ale.

Dried corn cobs

If you have three dried corn stocks one each to represent the maiden, mother, and crone. Tie them together with spring colored ribbons and display it outside your home the days of Imbolc and then bury it on your property for protection and prosperity for the rest of the coming year. If you don’t have dried corn use another representation of the triple Goddess.

How do you celebrate? If you don’t what do you think of these traditional actions. How does your family mark the changes in the seasons? Let me know below.

Blessed be ❤️