Fall Festivities!

Big Michael Myers looks after little Michael.

This is my family’s favorite season by far! We are always busy on fall weekends doing things with friends, finding flea markets/yard sales, and on nature trails where I find safe things to eat along the way. We usually have bonfires or cookouts too when the sweater weather is strong.

We’ve already planned an apple picking adventure for Oct. 13th I believe to get Wine Sap apples. They are an all around good eating/baking apple. This tradition of apples picking goes back 3 generations in my family. I’m hoping this year we will make some apple butter like my grandma used too. The kitchen will smell amazing!

Fall is such a magical season

Horror movies are a must in Oct so I will try to always re-watch 3 classic franchise, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street. If you have suggestions for actually scary movies that are a must see let me know! I’m always looking for new ways to loose what little sleep I get.

Videogames are lit this month! Not only is the Switch oled coming out so is Back for Blood, a Witch Dead by Daylight character, and State of Decay 2 recently got a sizable update. I am a happy horror honey. Diablo 2 is freshly out for all new systems that Gothic atmosphere is gloriously remastered. I haven’t picked it up yet but probably will.

My persona tarot cards

What are fall activities that you enjoy? I’m currently sitting in my den with windows open listening to the neighborhood, catching up on game news. Who’s changed all their passwords today? After that I’m gonna push for level 35 in The Outer World’s so we can continue to play the DLCs I treated myself too.

Blessed be my Coven Cats ❤