Nature Noises

This looks like home

I grew up in the country. We didn’t hear cars, the highway, neighbors, children, or excessive people. I head birds, the wind I’m the trees, my folks mowing, or nothing. It’s probably something I miss the most now that I live in a much more urban area.

Sometimes I catch a break on weekdays when kids are at school and people who work traditional 9am to 5pm jobs are working or it’s a straight downpour where I can open my windows to just listen to nature. It’s calming to me and the cats love it. Fall is my favorite though for the sound of wind through falling leaves, the crisp air smell, and all things apple! I suppose pumpkin is also pretty good too.

Bonfires are a must absolutely. That smell is fantastic.

Usually if I can get one of these rare days I will just listen to podcasts or spend some time reading a book on my kindle. I love the quiet and tranquility, until the cats destroy something… I might even meditate for a bit if the heathens calm down. It also freshens up the house and cleanses it of negative energies.

OK I have to go on a kind of tangent here my friend Nikki had sent me some tiktoks and she asked me if they were true and of course I look at the TikTok and I’m curious and find out that they are all witch related and Halloween folklore. A lot of it was just hullabaloo and bullshit like old wives tales and like a small portion that kinda got petition magick right. I’m glad Nikki doesn’t just believe everything she sees on TikTok. Please for the love of Goddess have some common sense people.

Sorry I just had to include that as Halloween just passed. Also witchtok, to me,p0 is an odd and toxic place. So much misinformation with like 3 people trying to make honest craft videos… Just please do your research. Don’t just blindly believe the internet or socialization apps.

I still wanna know what makes you all happy too! Let me know at you could be featured in a blog entry. I hope you have an excellent week Coven Cats!

Blessed be

Fall Festivities!

Big Michael Myers looks after little Michael.

This is my family’s favorite season by far! We are always busy on fall weekends doing things with friends, finding flea markets/yard sales, and on nature trails where I find safe things to eat along the way. We usually have bonfires or cookouts too when the sweater weather is strong.

We’ve already planned an apple picking adventure for Oct. 13th I believe to get Wine Sap apples. They are an all around good eating/baking apple. This tradition of apples picking goes back 3 generations in my family. I’m hoping this year we will make some apple butter like my grandma used too. The kitchen will smell amazing!

Fall is such a magical season

Horror movies are a must in Oct so I will try to always re-watch 3 classic franchise, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street. If you have suggestions for actually scary movies that are a must see let me know! I’m always looking for new ways to loose what little sleep I get.

Videogames are lit this month! Not only is the Switch oled coming out so is Back for Blood, a Witch Dead by Daylight character, and State of Decay 2 recently got a sizable update. I am a happy horror honey. Diablo 2 is freshly out for all new systems that Gothic atmosphere is gloriously remastered. I haven’t picked it up yet but probably will.

My persona tarot cards

What are fall activities that you enjoy? I’m currently sitting in my den with windows open listening to the neighborhood, catching up on game news. Who’s changed all their passwords today? After that I’m gonna push for level 35 in The Outer World’s so we can continue to play the DLCs I treated myself too.

Blessed be my Coven Cats ā¤

A celebration of love and friendship.

The family and the stunning bride Franny. šŸŒˆ

Fran and James are a couple whom we are very lucky to be close to. I’ve know them now for at least 6 years which is as long as we’ve been with B. Fran is Bailes friend and ex from high-school, they have stayed close through the years as they’ve been through a lot separately and together. James is well a guy Fran started to date seriously and when she introduced us we thought he was nerdy and overall adorable.

Fran and James.

We had the great pleasure today of seeing these friends legally tie themselves together in wedded bliss. It was a beautiful ceremony in the woods on Fran’s mothers property right near the water. We all loved it! It was kinda hot but it’s September in the Midwest so what are ya gonna do?

The ceremony was short and sweet but mine and Joe’s wedding was also short so I get it totally. Fran said some very sweet words to James though which I truly enjoyed hearing. Speaking from the heart always rings so heartfelt and true.

Dinner and music followed in an antique barn also on the property which omg it was beautiful! The orange color in James vest and Fran’s dress was carried into the decorations and table setting. All the plants were from Fran’s collection, how she keeps them all so healthy and well alive astounds me.

The food was scrumptious! It again was very them as this is a meal I see Fran post often, lol. We had a delicious spinach salad with roasted nuts, gourmet grilled cheese one with apple and the other with jalapeƱos and blueberries, and the most delicious tomato soup I’ve ever had. Bailes and I were surprised that Joe ate his food and the rest of mine.

We enjoyed some good conversations and made plans to get together as Fran is off all next week. It’s been too long since we’ve just hung out and shot the breeze. I will leave you with my two favorite pictures we took today. In the first one Fran looks like a fey that stepped outta the forest to merry a lucky mortal man. The second I just love the look of love and adoration on James face.

I wish you both all the good things in life and hope your struggles are always small and not to long. My only advice is to be as honest as possible and as my grandmother said never go to bed angry. We love you both and the adorable little.

What I miss about a country home

A lone home on a dirt road a lonely lane only for you, family, and unfortunately curious strangers.

I didn’t grow up most of my life in an urban environment. I was more likely to hear animals fighting at night and crickets than a highways or other signs of human life. My mornings were filled with sounds of birds, my dad mowing lawn, my mom making breakfast, or 80’s rock pumping from our stereo in the formal living room in the weekends.

I played outside with our animals dogs, cats, chickens, and for a few years ducks. I was an only child so nature was my friend and playground. I made forts, collected herbs, flowers, and rocks. Our German Shepherd Apollo was a companion for many years as was my familiar Serenity. When I finally went to public school in the 8th grade I finally had some friends over and we also played in the woods.

In high-school I snuck to the woods at night to cast spells and commune with nature and the elements as I grew in my knowledge of the craft and myself. I searched for ghost with my best friend Jenn at the time and we heard things on our cassette tapes from old locktenders of the canals. We had many good scares at my house at the end of the bridge out lane… I miss it very much.

The solitude, the quiet, the availability of natural resources, and accessible fresh water for swimming and fishing. The safety I felt when alone in the house, although I always had and have a gun for protection. Watching the farmers crops grow and riding our four wheelers through the woods to gather fire wood and all the great nights sitting by a wood burning fire inside or out are good memories.

Maybe one day I will be able to move back to that kind of nature surrounding us, I can hope right? I need to be closer to a hospital for my eyesight. A quieter night without traffic would be wonderful as would the ability to not have to deal with neighbors or home owners associations. Maybe in the next 5 or 10 years šŸ¤”.