Road to 1k & Streaming with better vision in many ways

Thinking about a rebrand but I’m not sure

About a month and a half has passed since I had my eye surgery to help me see better.  Emulsified oil had moved into the anterior chamber of my rye and was preventing me from seeing until about 7pm at nght. My vision most of the day was a silver haze with a snow globe effect constantly. It was so hard but at least I could still kinda do what I wanted to in a way…

This is my eye in November 2021

Above is what my eye looked like until recently. It is terrifyingly difficult for some to believe I lived this way but seeing something is better than nothing in my book. I could still do most of what I needed to I just couldn’t look down or my vision totally whited out, very frustrating.

Streaming around this time because increasingly difficult but I did what I could to continue doing something I enjoy greatly. I can’t even begin to tell you how elated I am now that I can fully enjoy streaming again to the fullest. I consider myself lucky I still see at all so I plan to go hard this year towards my goal of 1k followers by my birthday in 2023. If you like my vibe seek out my other socials, I suggest Twitch and Twitter lol. Here’s a taste of the work I’ve been putting in.

I’m Lazer focused on growth of my community, the Coven Cats, because I want to have a place for those with disabilities, mental health issues, witches, social outcasts, stoners, and anyone else who has ever felt like they don’t belong to come and find friends. Just recently have I found a group online that I feel actually celebrates people for who they are and what kinds of energy they put out into the world.

This is the first twitch channel I’ve subbed to I’ll tell you why below

The gentleman pictured above is 06_Chris on Twitch I met them through an acquaintance whom I had been on their podcast, Brothadarkness84, I tucked the name into my hat for checking out after my surgery. I was intrigued I heard he like demons and was a smooth talker.

When I tuned in for my first stream with him I was hooked almost immediately. The positive message, uplifted atmosphere, and pure celebration of self and other was infectious. 06 Radio is a mash up of music, personal growth/reflection, and community. It’s honestly beautiful. I’ve met a few people so far that already have become people I think about often, Bug I’m looking at you!

Well I quickly found out Chris is a smooth talker but his sincerity and openness drips from his words. A rare quality in today’s world. He is actually hype to celebrate others successes as well as his own and to me that is very refreshing. So thank you 06 for not only inviting me to the party but for also asking me to dance. I applaud what you stand for and are representing on our Twitch platform. Check him out on Tiktok also it’s straight fires of positivity and truth over there.

Surgery preparations and more

Advertisement for my fundraising stream the day before my eye surgery on Dec 21st.

I am really not a person to ask for help but I’m smart enough to know when I need it. So I’ve put together a twitch fundraising event to hopefully help with upcoming medical bills. B and Joe also helped me make a Facebook fundraiser I will attempt to link it below. If it doesn’t work I shared it on my Twitter today. The name there is also WitchCorabell.

Stream begins on 12/20/21 at 12pm est. My surgery is the following day on the 21st

My partners also helped me make and think of these raffle levels and subscriber goals. I have never done one of these before so I’m nervous but I want to try to make my day before surgery a happy and not so worry filled. I did want to go over what I usually do before a surgery though, as I’ve been through about 25 plus, cuz some people may want to do a kinda ritual/check list too.

Week prior to surgery the goal is to have all my comfy clothes clean and my surgery day outfit picked out. Thankfully for this surgery it is outpatient and I get to wear my clothes during it. I was surprised by this the first time. I will make sure the bed sheets are changed the day before surgery and will have a couch bed made up for when I get home. My family or partners make sure I eat something I love the night before surgery and I indulge in craving foods just in case it’s my last meal. I used to write a diary entry that had current thoughts on everyone I hold dear at that time and well say goodbye. Morbid I know but some surgeries I had were more dangerous than others.

So this time it should go surgery snout 30min the recovery. After recovery, go home with a patched eye for 24hrs. Then a postoperative appointment to remove the patch and see how everything is looking. Pray to everything holy that I heal well and we wait. Probably antibiotic, dilation, anti inflammatory, and pressure drops. Then another post-op appointment a month after that then I see my surgeon four times a year maybe more and my regular eye doctor three times a year for vision mapping and visual acuity checks.

Cheery is hopeful for my speedy recovery.

From the ashes we rise

Stream stats from Monday.

So my first let’s go nuzloke ended at part 5 to a pokemon with fissure. I was kinda crushed and disheartened over the thoughts of starting over but you can’t succeed if you stop trying so I vowed we would start again that following Monday. After taking the weekend to think about it I was ready to restart because the pokemon streaming community is important to me and I really enjoy it.

I’ve played pokemon since the first games came to the U.S, blue was my first game, and I’ve been in love ever since. My partners and I are working on getting an plug in for the pc that plays game boy, sp, and game boy advanced games as well as home brewed pokemon games. It’s only like $50 USD but wouldn’t get here til December if we ordered now. This is not necessary but we aren’t comfortable putting roms on our PC.

I also ordered a small cosplay and a wall mount for my streaming mic.

So eventually after my domination of let’s go Pikachu maybe we will go back and do nuzlokes of older games. Trainer Cora is here to stay! I hope you all are into it. Other things are happening on stream too like my wife and I are streaming together on Wednesday’s and my bestie Jamie may start streaming from my channel on Thursdays or Saturdays. Those are days that I am off currently.

We smashed the goals for September so look for these special streams coming up.

I hope everyone’s lives are going well currently and that you’re growing day by day. Remember good things take time, Rome wasn’t built in a day and such. Be kind to yourself and others.

Don’t forget to start reading the book club book!

Blessed be ❤

Twitch update (Feeling stuck but ok)

New Twitch banner and panels thanks to Canva.

This month marks 7 months since I’ve started my streaming journey. I’ve learned so much from the last 3 months especially since I’ve had vastly more time to invest in the hobby. I’ve switched streaming software from Streamlabs to Streamelements. Nothing really wrong or intrinsically right about one or the other but I like Streamelements with as a visually impaired person as I find it easy to see and manipulate for my specific needs.

My mini stream deck is so useful now! I have 2 overlays with multiple scenes that I can switch to in an instant. I even figured out how to be able to share my Google page with chat as a separate scene as long as Google is open. Yes simple for some but if you’ve seen my tiktoks I’m not super PC savvy. I also have buttons to mute my mic, I cough sometimes, and one to stop all alerts. I’m learning new things daily!

Put an ‘!’ In front of one of these words in my twitch chat for interesting results.

My average viewers is currently trending upwards but marketing yourself is hard when you refuse to beg and don’t want to be an ass about it. I may ask people to check me out but you can’t force a horse to drink at the stream. I stream because it’s a way for me to enjoy a hobby with others and maybe I can help and inspire people along the way. Would I like to make money at it? Sure if we all could do that with something we love absolutely but it’s a tertiary goal or more. I just wanna make some real friends, enjoy my sight, game, and make inappropriate intellectual jokes til I die.

I like this one a lot but it is hard to read for me.

I’m just saying if you all like my banter here it’s ever so much more saucy live on M & Tu 2pm Th & Fri 11:30am all times est. Let me know your from WordPress if you show up . I’ll know you know all my secrets then. All ya gotta do is download that Twitch app baby!!!

Anyway I’m teetering between 199 and 200 followers right now. If I reach 220 before the end of July I will do a retro stream with my Aunt Lori of Super Mario Bros 3. There is a story to go with why we’ll play that game but you only get to hear it if I reach the goal lol. New subscribers and resubs, if not already entered, right now get their names written on a smol spell scroll for a $50 give away in December.

I am part of the beta for follower emotes so if someone just follows me and is watching from ,what I can tell right now, a PC they get my 5 follower emotes for free. I am working on emotes for my sub slots just gotta get them done. I have been working on this bish often lately. My family just got me an Xbox series S to help my gaming speed, I am mostly digital for the Xbox for streaming.

Example of smol spell scroll.

The pictures I shared here are my new twitch panels that I made within a free program called Canva. I’ve been using it since I started on twitch. If I can use it so can you, for any of your creative endeavors! I hope you all have a fantastic day.

Blessed be.

Monster Hunter: stories 2

Beautiful game so far.

Ok so this game has seriously stolen my soul from last night til about 1am and I was up. Then around 9am I plopped down playing it until 2pm when I forced myself to work on some blogs so I could say I was productive today. I have so far successfully written this and the second elemental blog lol.

As for why this game has stolen my life well it has a simple rock, paper,scissors battel mechanic and I get to breed and battle monsters. I’m fooking sold. Take all my money! This game has almost all the things I adore. It’s complicated but only if you really want it to be with breeding so no sweat. The monsters are ugly as sin or cute af no real in between.

A face only a mother could love or a mostly unfeeling catlady.

As a visually impaired gaymer it is a bit hard to read at times docked or in hand held but I did ok. The game is very colorful and the music is inviting. I haven’t wanted to turn off the in game music so I don’t mind it to much yet. I do wish my character talked, having the asshat cat talk for me is well kinda rude. The voice acting has been believable so far and the story is captivating enough to distract me so I’m impressed.

It has been a very long time since I have desired so intensely to play more of a game. I’m usually uninterested by hour two and don’t go back to it til months later. I am doing side and main stories as I go along in this game and so far have enjoyed every moment of it! I can’t wait to see what I hatch next and where the story leads me.

ESO I’m so excited!

Jiub is my favorite from Morrowind.

This was a Twitch goal becoming a reality. I’m gonna have a dedicated day for streaming Elderscrolls Online, the most current expansion is Blackwood that came out at the beginning of June. I streamed the first part today and it’s up on my twitch page now. I don’t know what the regular day will be for streaming ESO but I’m figuring that out now. Check my Twitch page for more information.

I’ve played Elderscrolls games since I saw a commercial for Morrowind when I was in high school. After hearing that the game could take years to complete all the content thst was mind blowing. I remember getting the guide and having to learn to read topographical maps in order to navigate to the correct location. It was hard work but a blast. Decorating the homes, discovering the mudcrab merchant, finding the sneakest ways to get filthy rich, and singing the praises to Azura were great past times. Bloodmoon is still an amazing dlc.

Oblivion will always have a special place in my ❤. I remember waiting for this game to come out. I had no Xbox 360 but was keeping an eye out for one everywhere I went. My family and I went on a spring break trip with some friends to Florida and we went to the local mall. My mom and I found out someone didn’t pick up their preorder for the system so with my dad’s blessing snatched it up and I got oblivion and the guide too. At our Florida home we didn’t have 3 pronged outlets so I waited til our two week trip was over (which I enjoyed) til I could play the game. I poured over the guide not wanting to spoil the story but learning about character building and weapons/skills. Also I loved the bow mechanics and just went out hunting game often.

Skyrim was a dream come true and I remember standing in the line on 11.11.11 to be one of the first to dive into the epic story. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve started this game over just to go do the same quests again… but I still love it. Now with mods and YouTube, thank you EpicNate315, I have played more Skyrim than any other game I own. The dlcs didn’t really wow me like Morrowind and Oblivion but the creation club has kept the game fairly fresh. All fans can’t wait to get Elderscrolls 6 though.

ESO was honestly a dream come true. An online elderscrolls world where I, my friends, and others who love the franchise can build our own legends, sign me up! I have numerous characters all with stories, joys, and sorrows but I’ve created a character specifically for streaming Corabell the SeaWitch a Breton who’s story has just begun. I hope some of you join me on the adventure and make it an epic.

Blessed be.

Game choice

Absolutely accurate.

As fire emblem three houses draws to a close I find myself contemplating what game I will play after this one. As much as I love my switch I will definitely be switching to the Xbox more than likely. This is mainly because of how complicated it is to get sound through a dang headset. So many dang cords…

So now that I think about Xbox I look to games I follow on Twitch and the viewership. I do want to play games I love but I’m not stupid I also want my channel to grow. Right now a few games I’m thinking about are biomutant, mass effect legendary edition, stardew valley, nocturne (on the switch I know), and ESO since Blackwood was just released. These all have over 1k viewers watching at most times. Nocturne is the only one in the list that has less than 1k views but it’s over 300 at least. Slow growth is still growth.

What will I be excited to play 3 days a week? Well… ESO has a ton of options for things to do and achieve and Biomutant is completely new to me… stardew valley is safe but consistent. Mass effect is a trilogy so idk if I could just play the first one. Nocturne is a grinding game but kinda pokemon for adults. Hmm choices, choices…

Fire emblem three houses has a few 100 viewers on line when I play maybe so growth potential is exponentially better on almost any of these game choices. Just which to play? Tell me what you think below. Maybe I’ll throw up a Twitter poll.

Blessed be.