Relationships & Growth pt.1

Wife and I enjoying breakfast

So we’ve all been in a closed poly triad since the beginning. It has been almost 8 years now. Has it always been easy? Absolutely not, we have issues pop up just like other relationships bur it’s how we handle the issues through our truth train and communication that keeps us happy Being brutally honest hurts sometimes but it has always lead to positive outcomes.

We have a couple friends in relationships that we personally don’t think the partner they have treats them as they should be treated. We have voiced our concerns on both relationships and now are essentially in our minds watching the train wreck happen.

Do you think this is happening to my friends?

I want to present both relationships in a snapshot and see what your take on it is.  Kinda like an am I the asshole post from Reddit. Ok so here’s the first situation.

Our friend K is 24 highly educated has recently moved into a HR position that let’s them do a job they so far like. They are getting ready to have some surgery and they are kind to a fault but that’s one reason we love them so much. K’s partner H is younger than K, comes from a not so great home life that K essentially saved them from, works a decent job, and has many mental issues that they are working through.

H has made some life improvements of seeing a physician, changing jobs, and even went on their first relationship vaca with K. While all of this is great it does not excuse H being an ass in general. Here are a few examples that made our ears perk up.

We just want our friends to have the best

H is easily overwhelmed in unfamiliar surroundings and is on the Autistic spectrum and we do consider this when doing public outings but it’s the commentary and attitude that really bother us. H acts like a child, to us in numerous situations, that essentially thinks K should cater to their comfort. A good example is K asked H to get a container to give out some leftovers and H huffed and said I just sat down… not helpful.

During the same event where K had cooked a wonderful meal she asked H if he was going to eat and he immediately said I don’t like it eventhough they had not tried anything. H also berated K as to why she had cooked at all. K fired back that she enjoys cooking and H said nothing.

I personally have seen K make excuses for H saying that his comments and behavior all stem from to much stimulation. I can not agree with that analysis. H doesn’t socialize at all when attending gatherings, they rarely help K with anything, K drives everywhere, and K’s family has also raised concerns about her future happiness.

So are we the bad person for asking K to make sure she’s completely happy? H has a ring ready to give her, Goddess k ows when, we just hope she reflects honestly on our and her families thoughts. Whatever decision K makes we will support.

I will cover our other friend in the next blog can’t wait to read your thoughts. Blessed be my Coven Cats.

Adulthood is ridiculous (5 friend types)

I am an adult supposedly and so is everyone else around my age

You know what’s one of the funniest social things we do as a species? Friendship… it’s so emotional and not at the same time. We meet so many different people in our lives at school, work, through the internet, and infinite other ways you have a chance interaction with a stranger. Then boom your a category of friend. There are, to me, 5 categories of friends.

1. Casual – these are people that you know and have seen in public and possibly private settings but otherwise have no real meaningful interactions with. You are pleasant and friendly but not open with life details or personal opinions. These are people you know in an informal fashion like the office staff at the doctor or your favorite streamer.

2. Work – these are people that you actively enjoy working with and can be more yourself around when alone. These people are rare for large corporations but can be found. Most work friends are let into your life by proxy because of how much time is spent with them compared to your actual family. It’s a fine line to walk but less is always more in my book. Be helpful and on task, answer only what is necessary. Rarely are long term friends formed here, mostly it is just for the term of employment. That’s okay also.

3. School – it’s as simple as it sounds, from grade school up all the people you meet in any kind of educational setting and this category, to me, is where many life long friends come from. I still have one from high school and numerous from college. We form strong bonds when we go through the same things with the same group repeatedly. My medical assistant graduating class was 7 people we all are still kinda in touch I talk to one person almost daily. These are the people who come in, stay awhile, and may leave but the ones that stay get you. You could not talk for years and just pick up where you left off. It’s comfortable and almost effortless. These are also the people who you are honest with and are honest with you having no judgment just wanting you to know all options and constructive criticism.

Real friends are so special

4. Internet – interesting group here. These friends could be people you did know whom have moved, people who are on the same social media platforms that share interest with you, individuals playing the same games as you, just reddit in general, and so many other internet-based chance encounters we can fathom. Sometimes these connections are fleeting, sometimes they are life long and change forms. I’ve had a few last months then dissappear and it was hurtful but overall a good memory. These friendships to me are also effortless because I don’t have to go anywhere I just reach out via platform and if they choose to respond we continue interacting. If it’s no longer a two way actual dialog with care and engagement, let it fall away.

5. Random – These are friends of your partners of any category that you now have formed some kind of bond with outside of the relationship with your partner. An example of this would be like hanging out with you bosses wife outside of work without your wife to play videogames. Don’t worry wife showed up eventually and joined in games. This would also be the case of having one blind date with someone and staying in touch the rest of your life just to play pokemon, not together, but to just talk about it at random intervals.


What kind of friends do you have the most of? Have any other categories you think I missed or think I have to many? Let me know in the comments. I hope you value your friends of all kinds.

Blessed be my Coven Cats 💕

College was great with you

Birthday dinner but a math experiment by the end

Typical Korea BBQ set up

Jamie, the baby of the group, turned 24 on Jan 22nd. As a celebration of her womb escape day and of her artful escape from her cooperate shackles too we decided to go to a Korean BBQ we’ve been to a few times before. Joe, Bailes, and I arrived first and ordered a couple appetizer and drinks.

Bailes mum and step-dad arrived next and poured over the online menu, because the QR code at the table was not functioning properly. This should have been my first clue as to how the evening would end up. The appetizers were really good, I hate that they were both so good. The first one was fried pork dumplings with a kinda sweet savory soy sauce. We ate them so fast I didn’t get a picture lol.

The other was Korea rice cake with braised beef and a ton of vegetables very spicy but we are currently learning to make it ourselves. It was that good. B always gets that peach soju. Tastes like drinking candy but gets you smashed if you’re not careful. We shared of course. Joe had hot sake, which B and I cannot stand.

Jamie and Jack arrived and we eventually ordered our combos, fried rices, and such. It was all in all a good time and conversation but the meats were pretty fatty and parts uneatable. Eventhough I don’t think the commentary was needed of “Is anything here NOT cook it yourself?!?” Kinda childish but I digress… After I finally get to have my love affair with the delicious steamed egg our bill arrived.

Interesting wall

Sticker shock doesn’t even begin to cover what we felt. It was almost $500 for 7 people to eat. That is with a 20% tip added on already. After being told in so many words the establishment would not split our bill we set to the task of doing mathematical gymnastics to figure out what we all owed. We then handed the staff 4 cards with instructions for each. That kinda put a sour taste in our mouth for the experience but we all just vowed to never go back.

As we all congratulated Jamie one more time before we escape into the night we made plans for the following week to hang out. I love her more than words can say and wish her the best in the coming year. Fly high my juju bean.

Beginning the Truth Train public life

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk

Within our polyamorus relationship we have a thing we call the Truth Train. It’s a concept of being brutally honest with eachother even though it may hurt another partners feelings. The intention is not to hurt eachother but to have a very open dialog where we can be completely honest about feelings and thoughts about our relationship. We’ve been together 7 years now and are mostly happy with all aspects of our life together. We still have things to work on constant communication, not making assumptions, and relaxing together just to name a few.

A few time we have applied this Truth Train principle to our friends whom we were very close to with mixed results. Some people appreciate our outside view of their lives and relationship and others just think we are judging them or plain hate whatever we have brought up. Really we just wanted to make sure that the questioned party was going into a situation with full knowledge and has thought about all possible angles and future possibilities. We really want to see eachother and friends flourish in life and do something that they enjoy not just go though life following the “normal” path.

So now I want to apply this process to my life in general. Now my mom would say I’m the most opinionated person she knows and well she’s right lol but I don’t just share my private intimate thoughts with just anyone. Now though when I don’t want to do something, I’ve got low spoons, I’m just not going to fight with you, or if you ask for my opinion I’ll give it. Best be ready for an answer you might not want to hear though so be specific if you want my opinion or a more publicly friendly business answer.

Lots of things in life are two way streets friends, family, jobs, relationships

Starting this coming Saturday 1/8/22 at 12pm est I will be streaming my new Talk Show the Hext Text. First topic is the tiktoker that thinks Rome isn’t real. This is going to be my and the communities place to speak about a vast array of topics but a few things I want to focus on are true crime, occult, paranormal, psychology, and trending society issues. I can’t wait to start this process.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to this new year so far. Mine has been wonderful I’m enjoying just looking at my cats, playing games, and admiring my partners since I haven’t been able to in numerous months. My mom’s eyes are doing well too. She’s had both cataract surgeries and is recovering. Light is hurting her eyes a bit now so she’s wearing her sunglasses at night and during the day lol.

Blessed be my Coven Cats ❤

How Friendsmas became my 2nd favorite holiday. Cuz you all know Halloween is my bestie.

Friends, the family you make, people who randomly showed up to your life and thought yeah this is my kinda vibes too. Then sometimes people come into your life starting out as a close friend but you grow apart after a few years heck or even months. That’s okay if that happens, it’s natural! If the friendship is meant to be you’ll find your way back to eachother through the flow of life.

I’ve been friends with Erin since high-school. We’ve not been attached at the hip the entire time. There were gaps in the college years, they lived with us for a bit (it went so badly), and now we see eachother regularly and talk on the phone often. Erin is a forever friend we just pick up where we left off and understand way to much about eachother.

Nikki is my gorgeous bestie from college and damn we had good times! She’s calmed down a bit since she’s a mom now but we used to go to pharmacology class drunk with our classmates. Haha we hated that class, the group chat was always so lit. We just clicked, share similar life goals and values. A dark sense of humor and thirst for knowledge are things we chat about often as is the idea of remembering to be happy being yourself. Nikki tries not to sweat the small stuff but kinda fails at it and so do I.

Fran is just an explosion of fuck you to the world at large and I love it. Intelligent, driven, and cute? Triple threat! She and her partner James are freaking couple/parent goals. I’m tagging her in this post on Facebook lol. Manager of a Timmy Hoe’s in high-school now a cushy bank position but she wants more for herself and her adorable family. I love our chats and that she actually watches my twitch streams. Thank you for being you and loving Bailes plus her crazy partners.

Jamie what the hell can I say but we love you. To smart for words and a silver tongue but a heart of pure gold. You’re to good for the position you’re in but you are working on it and won’t settle. A trait I highly admire. So when are we getting our PhDs together? I know we both wanna be called Doctor of something. I can’t wait to stream more with you in 2022.

Large friend groups were never my thing.

So on December 18th I will be lucky enough to gather some if not all of these wonderful people in my home prior to my surgery on the 21st. Getting friends together is like herding cats then throw a pandemic on top for good measure. We’re accomplishing it though and I love it. We always have such a good time talking, playing games, and just enjoying eachothers company. As I get older I’ve grown to love these get togethers the most as we all make a concerted effort to make time to catch up with eachother in a relaxed and entertaining environment. Free of responsibility for a few hours feels nice with other people you care about. That’s really why I love Friendsmas.

Meaningful memories

Fire from our self care friends weekend meet up.

Not everyone could make it even though we tried to plan early for once but it’s okay. Life happens and friendship has numerous forms that do not require you to physically see eachother. You just pick up where you left off no matter the gap in time or just talking. Thank you for not just ignoring my group message.

To those that did attend I loved seeing your faces and just sharing space with you all. It felt great to laugh at small things and witty banter while still keeping an ear and eye out for the little as she visited all the kitty cats. Filling the front porch with chatter and fun warms my heart. Although a bit chilly with blankets the fire put was cozy and warm. The 🍕 definitely helped too, it was delicious. So adorable Joe shared his pizza with the smol.

Me and Jamie.

As darkness set Jamie arrived as Fran and James got ready to leave as the little was beginning to get sleep as evident by eye rubbing ❤. Sweet goodbyes were exchanged and we chatted a bit about the Gabby Petito case as they left. Then Jamie, Bailes and I chatted while B played some Far Cry 6. Jamie is now my stream manager and our deal which was sealed with a handshake is I keep all profits til I reach 10k followers in total. After which she will receive 20% of my earnings. I figured I should note this somewhere.

We got wrapped up in watching Bailes and her rooster friend systematically destroy enemy checkpoints while blowing up numerous vehicles. Jamie got comfy cozie and almost drifted off to snooze-ville but then an old man on a horse blew up so we started paying attention again. After that particular was resolved Jamie begrudgingly headed home with promises and hopes to come over at some point to stream herself.

I continued to watch B play for a bit surfing my phone and cuddling Lilly. I then decided to go play some animal crossing but instead I find myself wanting to write this blog about a simple fun time with my friends. Remember life’s small pleasures and live in the moment when you can. See you on stream this week or right here a few times a week. However we met I’m glad you’re along for the ride.

Blessed be ❤

Spooky self care weekend (15th – 17th) 🤗

Classy af

Friends, readers, country people lend me your ears. Let’s have a spooky weekend of self care, scares, and friendship. I invite you to join me in a weekend of horror movie and television indulgence and maybe some liquid or herbal courage. Cuddle with those you hold close and get your hearts racing with something scary. Invite friends over for a night so you’re not alone.

For us we will watch some of the classics Freddy, Jason, Michael, Sinister, and numerous ghost stories TV shows of the season. Celebrity ghost stories, Ghost Adventures, Home town horror and some others have been recent favorites. Take some time to enjoy nature’s changes over the next few weeks as we change to cooler weather. Sleeping has been so much easier recently. I do really feel most myself during Fall.

Maybe I could convince Nikki, Erin, Wife, and Jamie to watch the fear street film trilogy with me. Or Back 4 Blood gaming? Spooky nature outing? Creepy picnic! Obviously I need to make some plans. If you end up doing anything with your friends let me know by tagging me on Twitter or other social media if they work lol. Use hashtag #covencat to spread our community. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Spooktober so far.

Blessed be ❤

From the ashes we rise

Stream stats from Monday.

So my first let’s go nuzloke ended at part 5 to a pokemon with fissure. I was kinda crushed and disheartened over the thoughts of starting over but you can’t succeed if you stop trying so I vowed we would start again that following Monday. After taking the weekend to think about it I was ready to restart because the pokemon streaming community is important to me and I really enjoy it.

I’ve played pokemon since the first games came to the U.S, blue was my first game, and I’ve been in love ever since. My partners and I are working on getting an plug in for the pc that plays game boy, sp, and game boy advanced games as well as home brewed pokemon games. It’s only like $50 USD but wouldn’t get here til December if we ordered now. This is not necessary but we aren’t comfortable putting roms on our PC.

I also ordered a small cosplay and a wall mount for my streaming mic.

So eventually after my domination of let’s go Pikachu maybe we will go back and do nuzlokes of older games. Trainer Cora is here to stay! I hope you all are into it. Other things are happening on stream too like my wife and I are streaming together on Wednesday’s and my bestie Jamie may start streaming from my channel on Thursdays or Saturdays. Those are days that I am off currently.

We smashed the goals for September so look for these special streams coming up.

I hope everyone’s lives are going well currently and that you’re growing day by day. Remember good things take time, Rome wasn’t built in a day and such. Be kind to yourself and others.

Don’t forget to start reading the book club book!

Blessed be ❤

Epcot the 2nd Round

Our little wife is so adorable 😍

So on this day Bailes was pushed around in a wheelchair by Jamie’s friend whom works in the park, but not this day, they were just spending time with the party. Bailes knee was just giving her trouble so she smartly spent some time off her knee so she could enjoy the rest of the trip. The food and wine festival was buzzing with actives and the first stop was the Mac and Cheese stand for some Cowboy Mac and the Truffle Mac. Look at those yummy pictures below.

The girls said that both were delicious and I personally wanted some of this stands food, it all looked so good! Then B indulged in this maple bacon cheesecake from the Canadian booth she said it was a little much in the sweet department so she shared it and opted for the surprisingly scrumptious spooky Disney brownie.

A maple bacon cheesecake in top and a spooky mickey brownie.

Next up was some delicious Poutine which for the unaware is essentially fries with lots of toppings, I mean like a shit ton, see photo below lol. Then it’s time for a small story so food picture first.

Gosh that all looks so good.

So B and I watched a lot of Disney Food Blog YouTube videos before she left and one of the last videos spoke about a drink that was made with mango and cream and the dude (a gentleman) was there to review it and literally said it tastes like a mango with cream and that was all he said. I was like the fook?!? That can’t be enough words for this… Bailes said I will go and drink this and text you literally if it was enough words or not. This was what happened.

I flipping knew it!

Bailey said it tasted like Chai and creamy with fruit but it was gross lol. Jamie’s friend was pitching it for her and took a sip and was like wow I see why you didn’t like it… continues to drink it kinda likes it. I knew it couldn’t have been that simple. Next entry will be Harry Potter filled and horror stuff filled! Get ready for Universal Studios.

Epcot or bust! Food, food, food…

Beautiful picture of the Ball.

Day 1 of 2 at Epcot went great for everyone! So much food was had that when the day began they just started to walk and eat so most forgot to take photos from the world booths lol. I do have a pic of their partly eaten food from the Italy stand, see below.

Still looks delicious 😋

Bailes Facebook called me part way through the day to let me know she and Jamie got to participate in pin trading and each of them throughly enjoyed the experience. B even got a Tigger classic pin and the food and wine pin with the Aristocats on it. The party also had a couple boozie flights a cider flight during this Facebook call and a mimosa flight that morning.

Mimosa flight! Classy af.

Bailes just called me before writing this to say good morning and let me know they are in the more Hollywood section today. It’s of course sweltering outside but it looks beautiful there. I can’t wait to hear what goes down today.

Last evening the party had a very fancy dinner at the Japanese pavilion. The view is gorgeous! They were all very full from earlier in the day but most powered through a delectable dinner. Bailes was a smart cookie and got sashimi, something she wouldn’t treat herself to at home.

Here’s the view!

Everyone is having a great time. They are also so far walking an average of 20,000 steps or 9 miles! At the end of the day they are all hurting. Apparently Jamie blew out her knee and now has disability access… I assume she’s in a wheelchair for a bit. I just hope no one else gets kinda injured lol. It’s kinda Jamie’s job though.